Demonstrate contractor mortgage affordability with advice from Deal Direct.
Demonstrating affordability correctly can be the biggest stumbling block to gaining approval for a contractor mortgage. However, the entire process can be much smoother with the assistance of one of our experts from Deal Direct.
Depending on the nature of your work, you could be paid in a number of different ways. Without the correct advice, this could be unintentionally misrepresented, leading to the rejection of your application. This would not be good news as it could prejudice any further applications you make to other lenders.
Expert contractor mortgage advice is recommended for those who are paid:
- via an ‘umbrella company’
- via a limited company
- as a sole trader
- through a recruitment company
Some lenders consider the total value of your contract as evidence of affordability while others use your daily rate. Other factors that influence a favourable decision include the level of demand for your area of expertise combined with your level of experience and the number and consistency of your previous contracts.
If your present contract is your first and only contract, then this doesn’t have to be a course for concern. Again, receiving the correct advice offered by Deal Direct can help you regardless of your circumstances.