Remortgaging in 2017. Does Chelsea BS have the best deal?
Chelsea Building Society has launched a new 4 year fixed rate remortgage.
There are plenty of mortgages for 3 or 5 years but the 4 year option is quite unusual. Chelsea’s product would appeal to those who can’t commit for as long as 5 years but find 3 years too short.
The remortgage is available for up to 65% LTV, at a rate of 1.83%.
Taking this option now means the term would end in 2020. By then, you could have weathered the fall-out from Brexit, the current levels of uncertainty in the market, possibly a UK election and another US election. Much can change in four years, except, in this case, your mortgage rate.
But, is the Chelsea fixed rate remortgage the right deal for you?
To find out, our experts at Deal Direct can search the entire market for great, low rate remortgages. We do all the comparisons for you, so you can clearly see which offer works best. But that’s only half the story.
All remortgage applications are subject to strict affordability tests and rate stress tests, which means that, even changing to a lower rate, the process can be quite complex.
To find the best deal and to remortgage successfully, applicants should seek help and support from our qualified professionals at Deal Direct.
Compare remortgage rates now by clicking the link below or discuss your options with an adviser.